CompuTax  AY.2024-25 released & 2023-24 :: v 23.*.5.0 Updation


Procedure to Install AY. 2024-25 : 

If connected to INTERNET,
Click on “Check Web for Updates” under “CompuTax Apps” and proceed further by clicking on 'CompuTax 2024-25' Assessment year from the list.

2. Click on “Install from File” under “CompuTax Apps” and proceed further by selecting the downloaded File & click on “Open”.

For Installing Personal Edition (ie. SINGLE version)

·         Click on “CompuTax 2024-25 Personal Edition” on the right side & then click on the “Install” button.  Once the Status shows “Install successful” click on the “Close” button.  Finally close the “Cubic Systems Installer” window.

For Installing Professional Edition (ie. LAN version)

·         Click on “CompuTax 2024-25 Professional Edition” on the right side

·         For Server - Click on “CompuTax 2024-25 Professional - Server & Client” and then click on the “Install” button.  

·         For Client - Click on “CompuTax 2024-25 Professional - Client” and then click on the “Install” button

·         Once the Status shows “Install successful” click on the “Close” button.  Finally close the “Cubic Systems Installer” window.

N O T E : 

MIGRATE DATA from AY.2023-24 to AY.2024-25


Before Migrating the DATA, make sure that :

Procedure to MIGRATE DATA from AY.2023-24 to AY.2024-25 :

For users of the Personal Edition

1. Start the Migration Program
       a. Double click on “Cubic Systems Apps” icon on the Desktop. 
       b. Click 'Start' --> ‘CompuTax 2023-24' --> '2023-24 Personal’

           (Minimize window; there is no need to Login)
       c. Click 'Start' --> ‘CompuTax 2024-25' --> '2024-25 Personal’

           (Minimize window; there is no need to Login)
       d. Go to the 2024 Personal Folder: "CsITax\I2024-Pers"
       e. Double click the file: "CompuTax.2024.Migration.exe"  (Application file)
2. Perform the Migration

    Select appropriate options, and click on "Migrate" button.

For users of the Professional Edition (LAN version)

1. Start the Migration Program
       a. Double click on “Cubic Systems Apps” icon on the Desktop. 
       b. Click 'Start' --> ‘CompuTax 2024-25' --> '2024-25 Server

      c. Goto ‘Advanced’ Tab page

      d. Click on 'Migrate ALL from Previous Year'


2. Perform the Migration
    Select appropriate options, and click on "Migrate" button.

Once Migration is completed successfully, Login to the s/w as 'Admin' & kindly send License Request from 'ADMIN' menu with all correct details. 

PLEASE READ HELP FILE (2024-25 Help), especially NEW USERS,  given in "Cubic Systems Apps --> CompuTax 2024-25" for almost every Queries.


For support kindly contact : Mr.Chirag Gandhi  (94260 77832)

                                                 Mr.Ketul Mehta :    (99796 06426)


                                    eMail : Chirag Gandhi :
