Release Informations for Ay.2024-25
Ver : 24.*.2.9
- Schedule AMT :
Error in some cases, Fixed.
Ver : 24.*.2.8
- Schedule AMTC & PTI
: Error in some cases, Fixed.
Ver : 24.*.2.7
- Schedule TDS : New Button added to
Import TDS Summarised Data from 26AS
- Schedule CG :
LTCG PTI Error in some cases, Fixed.
Error in some cases, Fixed.
Ver : 24.*.2.6
- Excel Template File for ‘Sample 3CD’ updated
with ‘State’ & ‘Country’ columns
Updated module with FVU version 8.8 as per Dept’s
Ver : 24.*.2.5
- Saving Error in Agriculture Income in
some cases, fixed.
Ver : 24.*.2.4
- 10BB : JSON generation Error in some
cases, fixed
Ver : 24.*.2.2
- Error in Release Ver
2.1, fixed.
Ver : 24.*.2.1
- Sch-Dprctn
: Saving Error in some cases, fixed.
Ver : 24.*.2.0
- Single File Backup Error in some cases,
Ver : 24.*.1.3
- Updates in Advance Tax Calculation.
Ver : 24.*.1.2
- Sch-BP : Saving Error in some cases, fixed.
Ver : 24.*.1.1
- ITR7 : Correction
in wordings of document form.
- 3CD : Error while
generating document, fixed.
Ver : 24.*.1.0
- ITR7 : JSON generation ready for
UPLOADING from Dept’s site
Ver : 24.*.0.10
- ITR5 : Sch.BP, setting off Unabsorbed Losses Error, if ICDS,
Ver : 24.*.0.9
- Option
for Manual feeding of Rebate u/s 87A à Annexures -> Tax Paid [Tds/AT..] à ‘Manual
Entries’ tab page.
Ver : 24.*.0.8
Error in some cases. Fixed.
Error in some cases. Fixed.
Note :
'OLD Regime'
/ 'NEW Regime' Option selection for ITRs
For 'OLD' Regime, Select 'NOT OPTING' in Client
Master (Return-2) tab page.
For 'NEW' Regime, Select 'OPTING IN NOW' in Client
Master (Return-2) tab page.
For 'OLD' Regime, Select 'OPT OUT' in Client Master
(Return-2) tab page and fill details of Form 10IEA
For 'NEW' Regime, Select 'OPTING IN NOW' in Client
Master (Return-2) tab page.
In case of 'FIRM' and 'LLP', Select 'NOT OPTING'
as per [ Filing Status A.19 of ITR-5] should be as
follows :
di. for
115BAC(6) : If 'OPT OUT' is selected, feed Acknowledgement # and Date of Filing
Form 10-IEA.
dii. for 115BAD : if 'Yes' : feed 1st AYr, Acknowledgement # and Date of Filing Form 10-IF.
diii.for 115BAD : if 'NO' and Selecting 'OPT NOW' : feed
Acknowledgement # and Date of Filing Form 10-IF.
div. for 115BAE : feed Acknowledgement # and Date
of Filing Form 10-IFA.
If 'Not Opting' is Selected : feed NA in 'Previous
1st AY' line
If 'Opting in Now' is Selected : feed
Acknowledgement #, Date of Filing and Section in 'Current Year' line AND in
'Previous 1st AY' line feed "NA" in Section
If 'Continue to Opt' is Selected : feed 'Section'
of 1st Line AND all details of 'Previous 1st AY' line.
If 'Not Eligible' is Selected : feed all details of
'If Opted out in Previous Years' line.
If 'OPT OUT' is Selected : feed all details of
'Current Year' line.
Ver : 24.*.0.7
- ITR5 : JSON generation ready for
UPLOADING from Dept’s site
Updated module with FVU version 8.7 as per Dept’s
Ver : 24.*.0.6
- Statement of Income :
Error in presentation of S of I in comparison of OLD & NEW Regime in
some cases, Fixed. No error in Json Files.
- Exempt Income Anexure : Error in presentation of Others, Fixed.
No error in Json Files.
Ver : 24.*.0.5
generation ready for UPLOADING from Dept’s site.
generation activated, but NOT ready for uploading as Authorisation
from Dept. is awaited.
- Form 3CD :
Schema updated.
Ver : 24.*.0.4
- Sch – SI : Error while uploading
JSON file, fixed. Earlier in this Sch. Income was Not
printed if TAX is not there, but this Year, Income is printed even if Tax
is not there.
Ver : 24.*.0.3
- ITR1, ITR2, ITR3 & ITR4 : JSON generation ready for UPLOADING from Dept’s site.
Ver : 24.*.0.2
generation activated, but NOT ready for uploading as Authorisation
from Dept. is awaited.
Ver : 24.*.0.1
- ITR1 & ITR4 :
JSON generation activated, but NOT ready for uploading as Authorisation from Dept. is awaited.
Ver : 24.*.0.0
- For
Installation Help, kindly go to and click on "Click here
for instructions on Installation and Migration."
- All Slabs & percentages of Ay 2024-25.
- Changes as per the new ITR notifications.
Release Informations for Ay.2023-24
Ver : 23.*.5.5
- ITR-7 : Single
File Backup Error, fixed.
Ver : 23.*.5.4
Updated module with FVU version 8.7 as per Dept’s
Ver : 23.*.5.2
24Q4 : House Property
Loss Error in New Tax Regime, fixed.
Ver : 23.*.5.1
Updated module with FVU version 8.6 as per Dept’s
Since NEW Regime is the default for the Return,
Users are kindly requested to update the Employee Master accordingly before
generating 24Q, quarter 4.
Ver : 23.*.5.0
Required Updations for
DATA migration to Ay.2024-25.
Ver : 23.*.4.3
Error in 139(8A) while uploading in some cases,
Ver : 23.*.4.2
Error in Sch.SI for LT Gain while uploading in some
cases, fixed.
27Q : Error while
generating Revised Return, fixed.
Ver : 23.*.4.1
Error in 139(8A) while creating JSON, fixed.
Ver : 23.*.4.0
Schema Updated as per Dept’s New release for
ITR-1,2,3,4,5,6,7 against 139(8A).
Ver : 23.*.3.12
Advance Tax Calculation :
Error in Surcharge for New Regime, fixed.
Ver : 23.*.3.11
Advance Tax Calculation :
Error while generating Report in some cases, fixed.
Ver : 23.*.3.10
ITR6 : Error in PTI LT
Loss while uploading, fixed.
Error while generating Revised Return, fixed.
Ver : 23.*.3.9
ITR7 : Schedule-J final
figure, if negative made zero as per Dept’s s/w.
Updated module with FVU version 8.4 as per Dept’s
Ver : 23.*.3.8
- ITR7-Updated as per new Schema.
Ver : 23.*.3.7
- ITR7-JSON uploading error in Sch.A, fixed.
- ITR7- In Part
B-TI, Part B1, 'Point # 2 : Voluntary contribution forming part of corpus
other than anonymous donations taxable u/s 115BBC' is now NOT added in
point # 5 'Income to be applied'
- Form 10B : JSON generation activated
Note : Form 10B
Following DATA is pickedup automatically from other modules to Form 10B :-
10B, point # 9 : from Master-General Info : Trust [Part-A.19]
10B, point # 10a : from Master-General Info : Trust
10B, point # 10b : from Master-General Info : Trust
10B, point # 15 :
from Master-General Info : Trust [Part-A.23.i]
10B, Sch.Corpus : from ITR7 :
10B, Sch.LB : from ITR7 : Sch.J-A2
10B, Sch.DI : from ITR7 : Sch.D
10B, Sch.DA : from ITR7 : Sch.DA
10B, Sch.AC : from ITR7 : Sch.I
10B, Sch.ACA : from ITR7 : Sch.IA
Code Help for Form 10B is
available under ‘IT Codes for eFiling -
3CA,3CD,15G,15H,10B’ under the topic ‘IT Codes for eFiling
:’ of csHelp-2023
Ver : 23.*.3.6
More validations incorporated.
Updated module with FVU version 8.3 as per Dept’s
Ver : 23.*.3.5
- Sch.ESR
: Missing DATA in document fixed.
Ver : 23.*.3.4
- Surcharge : Calculation
Error in some cases of Companies, fixed.
Error while generating .Txt in 24Q fixed.
Ver : 23.*.3.3
- Already entered Audit Report DATA missing,
Ver : 23.*.3.2
- Excel Template File for ‘Sample IT TCS’ updated.
Error while generating .Txt in 26Q & 27EQ fixed.
Ver : 23.*.3.1
Updated module with FVU version 8.2 as per Dept’s
Ver : 23.*.3.0
generation ready for Uploading.
Ver : 23.*.2.6
- ITR6 : Error in
Sch.TCS while generating JSON, fixed.
- Excel Template File for ‘Balance Sheet’
and ‘Profit & Loss A/c’ to Import Data enhanced to accommodate Annexures (ie. Multiple
entries for items like ‘Direct Expenses’, ‘Other Expenses’ etc.)
Ver : 23.*.2.5
generation ready for Uploading.
- JSON uploading error when Rebate u/s 87A
along with VDA, fixed.
Ver : 23.*.2.4
- Surcharge : Calculation
Error in some cases, fixed.
Ver : 23.*.2.3
- ITR5 : Error while
generating JSON in some cases, fixed.
- Schedule VIA : 80CCD2
error in yesterday’s release, fixed.
Ver : 23.*.2.2
- ITR2 : VDA error
while Uploading JSON, fixed.
- Schedule VIA : Error
while Uploading, in case of New Regime in some cases, fixed.
Ver : 23.*.2.1
- ITR3 : VDA error
while generating JSON, fixed.
- ITR2 & 3 :
Part B-TTI : ‘Gross Tax Liability’ error while uploading JSON in some
cases, fixed.
Ver : 23.*.2.0
generation ready for Uploading.
Ver : 23.*.1.4
- ITR2 : Error in
Sch.TCS while generating JSON, fixed.
- Schedule G :
ARN No. introduced.
Ver : 23.*.1.3
- ITR2 : Error in
Sch.TCS while generating JSON, fixed.
Ver : 23.*.1.2
- ‘NULL’ Error while generating JSON in
some cases, fixed.
- ‘Sch.Salary’
Error while generating JSON in case of HUF, fixed.
Ver : 23.*.1.1
generation ready for Uploading.
- ITR2 : Error in Sch.EI & Sch.TCS while generating JSON, fixed.
Ver : 23.*.1.0
- ITR1,2 & 4
: JSON generation ready for Uploading.
Ver : 23.*.0.2
- 26AS Importing changed as per Dept’s new
Note :
- ITR1,2,3 &
4 : JSON generation activated, but NOT tested with Dept’s JSON utility
(Java), as Java utility not yet available at Dept’s end.
- Also Uploading the JSON file generated requires
authorization from the Dept, which is expected soon, as testing part with
the Dept is successfully done.
Ver : 23.*.0.1
- ITR1 & ITR4 :
JSON generation activated, but NOT tested with Dept’s JSON utility (Java),
as Java utility not yet available at Dept’s end.
Updated module with FVU version 8.1 as per Dept’s
Ver : 23.*.0.0
- For
Installation Help, kindly go to and click on "Click here
for instructions on Installation and Migration."
- All Slabs & percentages of Ay 2023-24.
- Changes as per the new ITR notifications.
Release Informations for
Ver : 22.*.3.16
- 26AS Importing changed back to Dept’s old
Ver : 22.*.3.15
- 26AS Importing changed as per Dept’s new
Ver : 22.*.3.14
ITR U : Error while
generating JSON in some cases, fixed.
Updated module with FVU version 8.1 as per Dept’s
Ver : 22.*.3.13
ITR U : Error while
generating JSON in some cases, fixed.
- ITR-6 : Schema changed as per Dept’s changes.
26AS, Log on eFiling
Portal and Download ITR-V Reactivated
Note : DotNet
4.5.2 may be installed in the PC’s missing this component while updating &
running this version (3.13)
Ver : 22.*.3.12
ITR U : Error while
generating JSON in some cases, fixed.
Ver : 22.*.3.11
ITR U u/s 139(8A) implemented.
Note : How to go about it :
the File # you want to work with :
Goto ► “Masters”
► “Clients”
Select the ‘Miscellaneous’ tab page
Select ‘Return Section #’ as
è Enter 'Return Receipt #' and 'Return Receipt Date', if
Return Filed previously
Goto ► “Tax Paid [Tds/AT/SA/TCS]” (in
‘Annexures’ Data Entry)
è Select the “8A Details” tab page
o Feed the details.
è Now make the corrections in the respective Annexures & File the Return.
(Kindly go through the topic ‘File IT Return U
u/s 139(8A) ?’ in the Help File.)
Ver : 22.*.3.10
Updated module with FVU version 8.0 as per Dept’s
Ver : 22.*.3.9
- ITR-5 : ‘NoticeDate’ Error while
creating JSON in some cases, fixed.
Ver : 22.*.3.8
- Sch.EI: Printing of AGRICULTURE LOSS if any,
Ver : 22.*.3.7
- ITR-6 : More Validations implemented.
Updated module with FVU version 7.9 as per Dept’s
Ver : 22.*.3.6
- ITR-6 : Error in Sch.80-IE, fixed.
- ITR-5 : In Schedule CFL, B&P Loss figure will not
include Depreciation figure, if any, for Late Return Filing. Changed as
per Dept’s s/w.
Ver : 22.*.3.5
- Schedule
VC-D.iii. : Negative Amount, if any, is set to ZERO as per Dept’s s/w.
- ITR-6 : More
validations incorporated
Ver : 22.*.3.4
- Schedule CG-Validation
Error while attaching JSON file for Qtr-wise STCG, in some cases, fixed.
- Schedule CG : STCG : Validation Error in case of STCG PTI income
Ver : 22.*.3.3
- Schedule
BP-ICS: Validation Error while attaching JSON file, fixed.
Note :- In
tab page ‘ICS’ of B&P, the Item ‘Other Sources’ is removed
& now only the items ‘OS:a.Dividend’ and ‘OS:b.Other than Dividend Income’ are available, kindly
change the Data Entry accordingly. Total of a & b will
come automatically in the removed Item ‘Other Sources’.
Ver : 22.*.3.2
- ITR-7 : Schema changed as per Dept’s changes.
- Validation
Error while attaching JSON file in some cases, fixed.
- Form 10BB : JSON generation implemented.
Ver : 22.*.3.0
- ITR-6 : Sch.SI error while uploading in case of LTCG in
some cases, fixed.
- ITR-7 : Sch.D totaling error, fixed.
Ver : 22.*.2.7
Ver : 22.*.2.6
- ITR-7 : PartB-T1 : part-B1 point 6.iv -> Error in some cases, fixed.
Ver : 22.*.2.5
- ITR-7 Schema
changed as per Dept’s changes.
- Form 10B : JSON generation implemented.
Ver : 22.*.2.4
- ITR-6 : MATC uploading error in some cases, fixed.
Ver : 22.*.2.3
- ITR-6 : More Validations implemented.
- ITR-7 : JSON generation error in some cases, fixed.
Ver : 22.*.2.2
- ITR-7 : Details of Sch.ER & EC in Statement of Income.
- Correction
in Surcharge calculation when Dividend Income present, in some cases.
Ver : 22.*.2.1
- ITR-7 : Correction
in Sch.I & Sch.D
- Validation
Error while attaching iTR-6 JSON : “In Sch.Part A
general 1 'Yes' is selected for the question 'Whether the financial
statements …”, fixed.
Ver : 22.*.2.0
- Validation Error
while attaching iTR-6 JSON : “In Sch.Part A
general 1 'No' is selected for the question 'Whether the financial
statements …”, fixed.
Ver : 22.*.1.10
- New
worksheet added in ‘Sample 3CD.xls’ for importing ‘Clause 44. Break-up of
total expenditure of entities registered or not registered under the GST’
of 3CD
- Error while
generating JSON for ITR-7 in some cases, fixed.
Ver : 22.*.1.9
- Error in
STCG Qtr-wise Totals if HP & BP loss adjustments in some cases, fixed.
Ver : 22.*.1.8
- Error while
generating JSON for STCG & LTCG Qtr-wise Totals in Sch.CG-F, fixed.
Ver : 22.*.1.7
- Error while
generating JSON for OS PTI Income, fixed.
- Error while
generating JSON for OS DTAA Income, fixed.
- Error while
generating JSON for STCG Qtr-wise Totals in some cases, fixed.
Ver : 22.*.1.6
- ITR-7 Schema
changed as per Dept’s changes.
Updated module with FVU version 7.8 as per Dept’s
Ver : 22.*.1.5
- Error while
generating JSON for Lottery Income, fixed.
- Error while
generating JSON for Sch.EI ‘Others’ (NatureExempt), fixed.
column ‘Section’ Added)
- Uploading
Error in Sch.SI for LTCG in some case, fixed.
Ver : 22.*.1.4
We have found that after the updation to version 1.3
version, data of VI-A (80D to 80GGC) got missing and in this version we have
fixed it. However USERS are kindly requested to check DUC-VIA once again and
also reenter the DATA of VI-A, if any, fed on 15th July. We apologize for the
inconvenience caused.
Ver : 22.*.1.3
- ITR-5 JSON file
generation and ready to Upload.
- New Excel Template ‘Sample IT
ForeignAsset.xls’ implemented for Importing “Schedule-FA Foreign Assets”
module, points A3 and A4.
- Template ‘Sample IT Capital Gains.xls’
changed by adding ONE more column for ‘Expenses
Total’ against each entry.
Ver : 22.*.1.2
- Fine tuning of 3CA & 3CB reports.
Updated module with FVU version 7.7 as per Dept’s
Ver : 22.*.1.1
- Error in DUC-6A while Uploading in some
case, fixed
- IFOS : Dividend
Income not coming in Sch.SI, fixed.
Ver : 22.*.1.0
- Fine tuning
of “Download 26AS” module.
Note : A
new component ‘Microsoft VC Redistributable’ may get
Installed once, in some computers, automatically when CompuTax
s/w runs.
Ver : 22.*.0.5
- Error in DUC-6A in case of NEW TAX
REGIME while Uploading, fixed.
- Error in Sch.AMT in case of NEW TAX
REGIME while Uploading, fixed.
- In module
‘Annexures’ -> ‘Tax Paid [Tds/AT/..]’
“Download 26AS” button is activated. All entries from 26AS will be
imported by the s/w automatically. Users are kindly requested NOT to click
any buttons while Importing process is going on
and have patience as all the options will be activated by the s/w during
the Import process.
Ver : 22.*.0.4
- ITR-3 JSON file
generation and ready to Upload.
Ver : 22.*.0.3
- ITR-1, 2 & 4 JSON file generation
and ready to Upload.
Ver : 22.*.0.2
- ITR-2 JSON file
Updated module with FVU version 7.6 as per Dept’s
Ver : 22.*.0.1
- ITR-1 & 4 JSON file generation.
Note :
Kindly note that as
of now the JSON file generated cannot be uploaded as the Dept has not yet started
the authorization of uploading the ‘Third party software developer’ files.
Ver : 22.*.0.0
- For
Installation Help, kindly go to and click on "Click here
for instructions on Installation and Migration."
- All Slabs & percentages of Ay 2022-23.
- Changes as per the new ITR notifications.
- In Sch.Salary the field
‘Category’ is expanded with more options this year. Hence users are kindly
requested to check the Migrated DATA from last year and make the necessary
changes this year.
Release Informations for
Ver : 21.*.6.5
Updated module with FVU version 7.8 as per Dept’s
Ver : 21.*.6.4
- Error while
generating ITR-5 JSON for 139(1), fixed.
Ver : 21.*.6.3
- New Field
'194P' introduced under 'eTds' -> 'Masters'
-> 'Employee' module.
Note :
Kindly note that in 24Q (Quarter 4) while entering DATA in 'Deductees
Feed' under 'Challans & Deductees', if 'Section'
is selected as '194P-Senior Citizen' then USERS are also requested to select
'194P' = 'Yes' for the same Employee under 'eTds'
-> 'Masters' -> 'Employee' in order to avoid any rejection.
Ver : 21.*.6.2
Updated module with FVU version 7.6 as per Dept’s
Ver : 21.*.6.1
Updated module with FVU version 7.5 as per Dept’s
Ver : 21.*.6.0
- Migration module
compatibility for Ay.2022-23.
Ver : 21.*.5.8
- STCG PTI twice
Tax calculation Error in Statement of Income in some cases, fixed.
Ver : 21.*.5.7
- Error ‘Part
B-TI value mentioned in DUC VIA …’ while uploading JSON occuring after the updation of
5.6 version, fixed.
Ver : 21.*.5.6
- ‘Object
Reference’ Error while generating JSON in some cases, fixed.
Ver : 21.*.5.5
- ITR-3:
updated as per the new changes released by the Dept.
- ITR-6: Error
in Sch.CYLA while uploading in some cases,
Ver : 21.*.5.4
- ITR 6: Part
B-TI, point # 14, changed as per Dept’s s/w to fix uploading Error.
- ITR-5
& 6: SCHEMA updated as per the new changes released
by the Dept.
Ver : 21.*.5.3
- 3CA/3CB-3CD : Option for Original / Revised, implemented.
- Sec 234C : Calculation fixed in case of Previous Year Loss
from ST/LT, if any.
- ITR 6:Sch.MATC : Error in case of Setoff in earlier years,
if any, fixed.
Ver : 21.*.5.2
6 : JSON generation error in case of Sch.BBS,
5 : JSON Uploading Error in some cases, fixed.
Ver : 21.*.5.1
- More
Validations in IT module.
- Form
3CA/3CB/3CD : SCHEMA updated as per
the new changes released by the Dept.
Updated module with FVU version 7.4 as per Dept’s
Ver : 21.*.5.0
- ITR-6 : SCHEMA updated as per the new changes
released by the Dept.
Ver : 21.*.4.15
- Error
‘Schedule CG, table F breakup values not equal to Schedule BFLA’ in some
cases, fixed.
Ver : 21.*.4.14
- Error
‘Tax payable on Total Income not equal to sum of (Normal Tax plus Special
Tax minus Agri Income)’ in some cases, fixed.
- ‘Senior
Citizen’ checking Date changed from 1st April to 2nd April as
per Dept’s s/w.
Ver : 21.*.4.13
- ITR-5 : SCHEMA updated as per the new changes
released by the Dept.
- 26AS
: Advance Tax structure changes as per new 26AS (Advance Tax Importing)
- Changes
in Marginal Relief calculation when Dividend Income is there.
Ver : 21.*.4.12
- ITR-5
& 6 : Error while generating JSON in some
cases, Fixed.
- Form
3CA-3CD : Error while generating JSON in some
cases, Fixed.
Ver : 21.*.4.11
- ITRs : Fine tuning & more validations.
- Form
3CA-3CD and 3CB-3CD : SCHEMA changed as per
Dept’s new version.
In ITR-5, the error "Schedule DPM, value at Srl.No 20 is not equal to '5+8-4-7-19" is coming from
Dept’s side, which we brought to their notice and today we got the reply saying
that the error is resolved. Users are requested to kindly generate the JSON
& try uploading it again.
Ver : 21.*.4.10
- Installation
Error of Ver 21.*.4.7 at some places, fixed.
Ver : 21.*.4.7
- Form
3CA-3CD and 3CB-3CD Json File generation
: Fine tuning for Uploading Error in some cases.
Ver : 21.*.4.5
- Form
3CA-3CD and 3CB-3CD Json File generation
: More changes to get attached for uploading.
Ver : 21.*.4.4
- ITR-6 : Sch-SH1 : Error Fixed.
- Form
3CA-3CD and 3CB-3CD Json File generation
: Changed as per Dept. S/w structure.
As per the
Schema of Form 3CA-3CD and 3CB-3CD, 2 elements ‘metadata’ and ‘data’ is missing.
However in Dept’s utility JSON generation, the elements ‘metadata’ and ‘data’ is printed, hence we are also printing these 2 elements in
our s/w now. Since the SCHEMA does not mention these 2 elements, while
generating the JSON for 3CA & 3CB our s/w gives 2 ERRORS ie. ‘Path : metadata’ and ‘Path :
data’. The USERS are kindly requested to ignore these 2 errors and proceed with
the generation so that UPLOADING will happen smoothly.
Ver : 21.*.4.3
- Sch-CG : ‘Country
Code’ introduced in Property Details as per Dept’s Schema.
- New
option under 'Annexures' -> 'Miscellaneous [Others]' --> 'Foreign
Assets/Miscellaneous/S of I Notes' --> 'Miscellaneous' tab page 3rd
last item :
'Part-B TI : Aggregate Income (TI - Spcl.Rate Txbl.Incm + NAI) For
ITR-2,3,5,7 :: Make ZERO ?? [1 = Yes]'
In Part-B TI of ITR, the Item ‘Aggregate income (Total Income -
Income chargeable to tax at special rates + Net agricultural income)’,
calculated by the Dept varies at times. Sometimes
the actual figure arrived at is printed, whereas sometimes it is printed as
ZERO, the logic of the calculation by the Dept. cannot be figured out. Hence now we are printing the actual worked
out figure as 'Aggregate Income' by default.
If at all while uploading, the ERROR 'Aggregate Income of Sch.B-TI is not equal to ...' pops up, kindly go to this
option and type '1' so that the item 'Aggregate Income' will be printed as ZERO
while generating the JSON and you may then again try uploading it.
Ver : 21.*.4.2
- Form
3CA-3CD and 3CB-3CD Json File generation ready
for Uploading.
- LTCG : Sch.112A Uploading Error in some cases,
- Sch.MATC : Wrong figure in some cases, fixed.
Ver : 21.*.4.1
- 26Q :
Error while generating .TXT in some cases, fixed.
Ver : 21.*.4.0
- ITR-6
Json File generation ready for Uploading.
- Sch CG : Error in
LTCG while uploading JSON in some cases, fixed.
Ver : 21.*.3.4
- Sch.IFOS
: Feeding Quarter wise Totals in case of DTAA Dividend
Income, incorporated.
- More Data Entry Validations.
Ver : 21.*.3.3
- Option
for Manual feeding of SURCHARGE à Annexures
-> Tax Paid [Tds/AT..]
à ‘Manual
Entries’ tab page.
Updated module with FVU version 7.3 as per Dept’s
Ver : 21.*.3.2
- Part
B-TI : Srl No.17 error
in some cases while Uploading, fixed.
(Users are
kindly requested to generate
‘Statement of Income’ before generating and
uploading the JSON file to resolve this issue)
Updated module with FVU version 7.2 as per Dept’s
Ver : 21.*.3.1
- Surcharge
Calculation in case of OS:Dividend
Income for GTI > 2 Crores, restricted to 15%.
Ver : 21.*.3.0
- ITR-5
and 7 Json File generation ready for Uploading.
- 234A
Interest calculation changed as per New Due Date.
Ver : 21.*.2.5
- Part
B-TI : Srl No.17 error
in some cases while Uploading, fixed.
Ver : 21.*.2.4
TAX Regime u/s 115BAD for Co-op Society & Co-op Bank, implemented
- Tried
to fix ‘NULL Error’ while uploading ITR-2 & 3 in some cases.
Ver : 21.*.2.3
- ITR-3,
Error in Sch.AMT for New Tax regime while uploading, fixed.
- Sch BP : ITR 3: Error
while generating JSON in some cases, fixed.
- Sch CG : ITR 3: Error
while generating JSON in some cases, fixed.
Ver : 21.*.2.1
- Sch.80D
error in some cases while Uploading, fixed.
- Part
B-TI : Srl No.17 error
in some cases while Uploading, fixed.
Ver : 21.*.2.0
- ITR-3
Json File generation ready for Uploading.
Ver : 21.*.1.7
- Sch.SI
– Uploading Error in Sch.SI when ST Loss get adjusted
with LT Gain, fixed.
Ver : 21.*.1.6
- Sch.SI
– Earlier LTCG 10% was Not printed in Sch.SI if the Gain was < 1 Lakh, now
it’s printed in the Schedule as done by the Dept.
Ver : 21.*.1.5
- CG :
Now onwards ‘SALE VALUE’ Column will be Rounded off at the time of Data
Entry itself, as Decimals are NOT allowed in JSON.
errors of Sch.112A
in certain cases, fixed.
Ver : 21.*.1.4
- LTCG : Section 54 Error while generating JSON
file, fixed.
Ver : 21.*.1.3
- ‘Caught
Error Description as null’, fixed
- ‘Form10IE’
Error while generating JSON file, fixed.
- Sch.112A errors in some cases while Uploading, fixed.
Ver : 21.*.1.2
- ITR-2,
Error "In Sch.112A Column 6”, fixed
Ver : 21.*.1.1
- ITR-2,
Error "In Sch.OS value at Srl.1a should be
equal to 1ai+1aii", fixed
Ver : 21.*.1.0
- ITR-1,2 and 4 Json File generation
ready for Uploading.
Ver : 21.*.0.7
- ITR-1,2 and 4 Json File generation
for checking / Testing. (NOT for Uploading)
ITR-1,2 and 4 Json file is now ready
for checking / Testing purpose. Right now this File cannot be uploaded for the
reason that the Department has NOT yet issued the unique ‘DigestKey’
for any Third party software developers which all software developers are
supposed to insert in the json file. Since the NEW IT
portal is under development, we are expecting the key any time and will be
updated once the KEY is provided to us.
Ver : 21.*.0.6
- Comparison
of OLD & NEW TAX Regime in Statement of Income for Individuals &
Ver : 21.*.0.5
- More
validations while generating S of Income.
Ver : 21.*.0.4
- ITR-4
Physical Form (Document) Released.
Ver : 21.*.0.3
- ITR-1
Physical Form (Document) Released.
Ver : 21.*.0.2
- Tuned
up for MIGRATION of DATA to Ay.2021-22.
Ver : 21.*.0.0
Important NOTES :
- ‘New Tax Regime’ option is given under ‘Masters’ ->
‘Clients’ -> ‘Return’ tab page.
- While migrating DATA, now
‘File #’ is pulled up in ‘Partners / Beneficiary Details’ module, if already
FED in.
- Excel file template given to Import Motor Vehicle
details in Sch.AL1.
- All other new Slabs & percentages of Ay 2021-22.
Release Informations for Ay.2020-21
Ver : 20.*.9.6
- Error
‘Invalid Software
ID’ while uploading XML, fixed.
Ver : 20.*.9.5
24Q Q4 : Error while
generating FVU in some cases, fixed.
Ver : 20.*.9.4
- ITR3 :
XML Generation error for Notice u/s 139 (9), fixed.
Ver : 20.*.9.3
- Schedule
SI : LTCG @ 10% Debenture issue Fixed.
Ver : 20.*.9.2
Updated module with FVU version 7.1 as per Dept’s
Ver : 20.*.9.0
- Tuned
up for MIGRATION of DATA to Ay.2021-22.
Ver : 20.*.8.4
- Schedule
SI : LTCG PTI @ 10% issue Fixed.
Ver : 20.*.8.3
- Part
B.TTI : Rounding off issue of AMT's 'Health and
Education Cess', fixed.
Ver : 20.*.8.2
Decimal Issues in Deductee
Entries for 24Q,26Q,27Q & 27EQ, Fixed.
Ver : 20.*.8.1
- ITR-4 : SCHEMA updated as per the new changes
released by the Dept.
Ver : 20.*.8.0
- ITR-2,3,5,6,7 : SCHEMAs updated as per
the new changes released by the Dept.
(Length modifications of columns/fields)
Excel Importing Templates for 27EQ introduced separately. USERS are kindly requested to use the file ' Sample E-TDS 27EQAllQtr' for the same.
Ver : 20.*.7.1
Updated module with FVU version 7.0 as per Dept’s
Ver : 20.*.7.0
- Section 234A : Calculations changed as per new Return Filing
Ver : 20.*.6.1
- Unabsorbed
PTI Loss : Unabsorbed PTI ST Loss was not getting
adjusted along with current year ST Gain, fixed now.
Ver : 20.*.6.0
- Sch.112A : Earlier, Schedule 112A was printing entries for only
‘Resident’ status and now this is changed and ‘Not Ordinary Resident’ will
also use Sch.112A, as the Dept. is doing the same. Only ‘Non-Resident’
status will print entries in Schedule :
115AD(1)(b)(iii ) proviso.
Important Note
: Only
Schedule 112A allows 4 decimals by the Dept.
Users are therefore kindly requested to feed Short Term entries in the
Excel template File used for Importing entries in 2
decimals only. More than 2 decimals, if
any, will be ignored by the s/w while Importing and ultimately the figures in
Excel file & the s/w figures will NOT tally. Kindly check the entries
before Importing and DO NOT call us for Tally errors because of the extra decimals.
Ver : 20.*.5.5
- ITR-7 : SCHEMA updated as per the new changes
released by the Dept.
- LTCG PTI 10% calculation error in case
of only LTCG PTI income, fixed.
- Schedule EI :
DTAA Error, fixed.
Ver : 20.*.5.4
- 26AS
Import Error in some cases fixed.
- Error
in Total printing of document mode in Sch.112A, fixed. No
error in XML generation.
Ver : 20.*.5.3
- Tally
Error of Rs.1/- of LTCG in some cases in Sch.BFLA,
- PTI Dividend
u/s 115BBDA of IFOS, if any, will now added in the 1st Quarter
of OS bifurcations.
Ver : 20.*.5.2
- ITR-6 : SCHEMA updated as per the new changes
released by the Dept.
- Sch.112 : Now allows 4 decimals in ‘Qty’, ‘Sale Rate’, ’FMV Rate’ as
per Dept’s changes.
- Sch.112
deductions Not coming in some cases, Fixed.
- Note
Due to the new 4 decimals, some times the
breakups of all Quarters may Not tally (difference of Rs.1/- or Rs.2/-
happens) with the Total of Sch.BFLA and
eventually gives Error at the time of Uploading the XML. To solve this
issue we now reduce the difference from the 1st available Quarter
which appears in Sch.CG, Point # (F)
Ver : 20.*.5.1
- ITR-5 : SCHEMA updated as per the new changes
released by the Dept.
- Error
of Section 234A & 234B Date in St. of Income,
- ‘Column 7 : Cost of acquisition without Indexation is not
Higher of Col.8 & col.9’ Error while uploading, fixed.
Ver : 20.*.5.0
- ITR-3 : SCHEMA updated as per the new changes
released by the Dept.
Ver : 20.*.4.3
- ITR-2 : SCHEMA updated as per the new changes
released by the Dept.
- In
B&P – Depreciation : Correction of ‘Proportionate
aggregate depreciation allowable’, if any.
- Minor
corrections in ITR document printing.
- In
Challan Printing, missing Tds/Tcs sections implemented.
Ver : 20.*.4.2
- Now
in Capital Gains columns ‘Quantity’, ‘Sale Rate’, ‘Cost Rate’,’FMV Rate’ at the time of Data entry will allow
2 decimals and deletes all the extra decimals.
- Surcharge
will now be calculated @ 37% for 112(1)(c) section of LTCG.
Ver : 20.*.4.1
- ITR-7 : Part B-TI changed as per Dept’s s/w.
- Section 234A : Calculations changed as per new Return Filing
- For 234A, in
Client Master keep the ‘Return Due Date’ as ‘31/07/2020’ & ‘30/09/2020 as applicable.
You may kindly change the ‘Applicable Due Date’ as required.
- In ‘Client
Master’ for Domestic company, 2 new columns (10IC Receipt # [22%] &
10ID Receipt # [15%]) added under tab ‘Miscellaneous’ to keep track of Form 10IC and 10ID.
If these columns are kept Empty and if 15% or 22% Tax slab is
selected, a warning Error will be given at the time of XML generation.
- In
‘Depreciation’ module new column ‘WDV adjustment (115BAA)’ added.
- 3CA-3CD
& 3CB-3CD Schema changed as per Dept’s changes.
Ver : 20.*.4.0
- ITR-7 : ‘Statement of Income’ changed by considering ‘Voluntary
Contributions : Corpus’ as per changes made in Dept’s
- More
validations for Long Term module.
Updated module with FVU version 6.9 as per Dept’s
Ver : 20.*.3.4
- ITR-4
& 7 : SCHEMA changes as per
the new version released by the Dept. is now Updated.
- More validations are implemented by the
Dept. User are kindly requested to SAVE the ‘Capital Gain’ module once
again before generating the ‘Statement of Income’
- Also for 112A entries, ‘Qty’ & ‘Sale
Rate/share’ is now compulsory, so kindly check the already Fed in DATAs.
Ver : 20.*.3.3
ITR-6 : Error in Uploading XML in case of Slashed Rates
(Domestic Co.), Fixed.
Rates options added with Section ‘115BA’
Ver : 20.*.3.2
ITR-6 : XML gets generated and ready to Upload.
Excel Importing Templates for 'Balance Sheet Ind-AS'
and 'P&L Ind-AS'
introduced. USERS are kindly requested
to use 'Sample IT FA Balance Sheet-IndAS.xls' and 'Sample IT FA Profit-n-Loss-IndAS.xls'
for the same.
Ver : 20.*.3.1
- ITR-5 : SCHEMA changes as per the new version
released by the Dept. is now Updated.
ITR-7 : Section Error while creating XML file, Fixed.
SI : PTI error in case of STCG (some cases), Fixed.
Ver : 20.*.3.0
- ITR-1 : SCHEMA changes as per the new version
released by the Dept. is now Updated.
ITR-7 : XML gets generated and ready to Upload.
Ver : 20.*.2.2
- ITR-2 : SCHEMA changes as per the new version
released by the Dept. is now Updated.
Ver : 20.*.2.1
ITR-5 : XML gets generated and ready to Upload.
Note : Since Dept. has not released
the JAVA utility for IT-5, testing our XML with the same has NOT been done.
Ver : 20.*.1.2
- ITR-3 : SCHEMA changes as per the new version
released by the Dept. is now Updated.
- Current
Year Agricultural Loss, if any, will now be shown under C/fd messages of Sof
- Since
the sample Template for P&L entries (‘Sample IT FA Profit-n-Loss.xls’)
got changed, USER who Imports DATA are kindly requested to Feed entries as
per the NEW Template.
Ver : 20.*.1.1
ITR-3 : Error ‘Total Income not equal to …… after rounding off’
while uploading, fixed.
Codes introduced for LTCG module. Around 50,000 Scripts incorporated and will
be displayed at the time of Data Entry. When a script is selected the ISIN is
automatically picked up. If any particular Script is Not
found USER may add this under ‘Masters’ -> ‘Standard Scripts’. OR
may Import all such Items from Excel file as per the structure given in sample
file ‘Sample IT ScriptMaster.xls’ under the menu ‘Utilities’ à ‘O/p file maintenance’ à ‘CompuTax
Ver : 20.*.1.0
ITR-3 : XML gets generated and ready to Upload.
Note : Since Dept. has Not
released the JAVA utility for IT-3, testing our XML with the same has Not been
Ver : 20.*.0.11
- Fine
tuning of SURCHARGE @ 10% / 15% for sections 111A, 112A and 115AD.
Updated module with FVU version 6.8 as per
Dept’s changes.
Ver : 20.*.0.10
- 234-A Interest calculation changed. If SA tax liability exceeds Rs.1 lakh then 234-A Interest is calculated on
delayed payment after 31st July
OR 30th Sep, as
the case may be, irrespective of the NEW due Date.
Ver : 20.*.0.9
Rounding off Error in Part-B TI of ITR-2 while uploading, Fixed.
Ver : 20.*.0.8
Rounding off Error in Part-B TI of ITR-2 while uploading, Fixed.
Ver : 20.*.0.7
ITR-2 : XML gets generated and ready to Upload.
80D changed –
Apart from Senior Citizen Parents, if the Assessee is
Not a senior citizen, but any of his Family member is a Senior citizen, then
also Rs.50,000/- slab is allowed now, as per Dept’s
Ver : 20.*.0.6
ITR-4 :
Updation of SCHEMA changes as per the new
version released by the Dept.
Ver : 20.*.0.5
- 80D
Calculation opened for HUF status.
Ver : 20.*.0.4
- Error
in Schedule 80D while uploading, Fixed.
- ITR-1
& ITR-4 : XML gets generated and ready to
Upload. (Mentioned erroneously as ITR-2 in yesterday’s Mail)
Ver : 20.*.0.3
- ITR-1 : XML gets generated and ready to Upload.
- ITR-2 : XML gets generated and ready to Upload.
Updated module with FVU version 6.7 as per
Dept’s changes.
Ver : 20.*.0.2
- ITR-1
& ITR-4 physical Form ready, XML generation
will be released soon.
- Advance Tax Calculation module now calculates Tax for
old regime as well as Tax for New regime.
- In 'SALARY' Data entry, new Categories have been added
by the Dept (Central Govt, State Govt etc), hence kindly check
the DATA and make corrections, if required, before Finalising
the Return.
- 80D under DUC VI-A has been changed by the Dept. with
new structure. USERS who have already entered DATA will have to CLEAR the
DATA in Data Entry of 'Deduction u/c VIA' by clicking the 'Clear' button
of the 'Actions' panel given on the right side or by pressing 'Ctrl + E'
button and then Feed the DATA again as per the NEW structure. Else if you
directly enter the 80D, Error may occur.
- A New Schedule 'DI - Details of Investment' have been added. Data entry for the same can be done,
if any, in Data Entry of 'Deduction u/c VIA' --> 'VI-A
upto 30/6/20' tab page. (Please Note that Sch.DI figure should be the partial AMOUNT, if
any, which is already included in the tab page of VIA (Others).
- 'Unabsorbed Losses' Data entry includes more Losses
like HP-PTI, Short Term - PTI, Long Term - PTI, Insurance Business loss
u/s 155B etc.
- A New Schedule 'TPSA-Details of Tax on secondary
adjustments as per section 92CE(2A)' is added
(ITR-3,5,6). The Data Entry is available under 'Annexures' -->
'Miscellaneous Others' --> ‘Foreign Assets, Miscellaneous O, SofI' --> 'Schedule TPSA :'
item under the 'Miscellaneous' tab page.
- Company Tax option of 15%, 22% can be done in 'Business
& Profession' --> in 'Book Profit' tab page 5th Item of Misc.
Ver : 20.*.0.1
- Updation due to changes in Ay.2019-20.
Ver : 20.*.0.0
Important NOTES :
- 'Salary' Data Entry : The
following items under ‘Salary’ tab will now accept manually calculated
figures as well as Calculate automatically if other parameters are fed in.
10(10) : Death-cum-Retirement Gratuity received
Earned leave encashment on
: HRA received
- Cess will be calculated directly @ 4% in
Statement of Income as done by Dept. No breakups like Education cess, Secondary & Higher Education Cess
and Health Cess
as done earlier.
- In
Statement of Income “T O T A L I N C O M E” Rounding off U/s.288A is now removed. This is done to avoid
the ERRORS of amount mismatch in XML.
- Deductions u/c VIA :
New sections
80EEA & 80EEB.
- All other new Slabs & percentages of Ay 2020-21.